
不能说的秘密 - Altantuya


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Altantuya- 不能说的秘密




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巫统党选落幕了,纳吉终于接替了主席的位子。众所周知,巫统主席就是我国首相。虽然没有明文规定巫统主席一定是首相,但这是一贯的传统(除了巫统第一任主席Datuk Onn Jaafar之外). 吊魁的是卸任主席阿都拉并没有交代何时才将首相的职交棒于纳吉。只是表示将在这个星期四觐见国家元首端姑米占再纳阿比丁,寻求元首御准他辞职。


让我大胆假设,如果阿都拉不向元首证明纳吉获得大部分的国会议员支持。那么元首只好召开紧急国会会议以进行动议, 让国会议员表态是否支持纳吉出任首相。又倘若阿都拉掌握了一定的国阵国会议员,而这班国会议员连同民联的82位国会议员足以过半,那么首相的职位恐怕就轮不到纳吉了。毕竟如果纳吉成为首相,他就成为了马来西亚有始以来最具争议性的首相了。


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Let's join the EARTH HOUR

10 Things To Do During Earth Hour

1. Gather family & friends for a night picnic

2. Dine in one of the many Earth Hour participating restaurants by candlelight

3. Organise a family night playing board games

4. Throw an Earth Hour street party with your neighbours

5. Arrange a house party lit by torches

6. Take the dog for a night walk

7. Hand write a letter to loved one by lantern

8. Sit in the dark and share stories

9. Read a book using a book light

10. Share a romantic night in with your loved one


Nice music to share




在一场困兽斗过后,附马爷终于脱颖而出!凯里在这场有史以来最激烈的巫青改选中以微差52票压倒第二的Khir Toyo,和垫底的敦马公子Mukhriz.

凯里让敦马高空轰炸后依然当选,这证明了这位附马爷在过去几年里的确累积了不少“实力” ,也证明敦马的影响力始终敌不过金钱的诱惑力。其实他们三个人谁当选都一样,没有分别。但可以肯定的是,这是马华最不愿看到的结果。


就在上一届巫青大会上,凯里以不可一世的语气并斩钉截铁宣誓巫青团将永远拔剑、举剑!“Selagi ada pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, Keris Panca Warisan akan kita hunus dan julung selama-lamanya!”

!(Dalam masa yang akan datang, siapa saja yang tidak berani menghunus dan menjulang Keris Panca Warisan adalah pengkhianat kepada bangsa dan parti!)”

看来马青未来只好继续举“宪法” 了。

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Altantuya case is at the international arena again!

The news is published in British newspaper yesterday.

Arms deal link to death of model

A FRENCH arms company is at the centre of a deepening scandal involving the sale of three submarines, the murder of a beautiful Mongolian interpreter and the man most likely to become prime minister of Malaysia next month.

All three have been linked in a sensational sequence of revelations that has convinced many Malaysians that the woman was killed to silence her demands of a share in the rewards of the transaction.

The scandal exploded last week after the French newspaper Libération alleged that the submarines deal and the murder of Altantuya Shariibuu, 28, were connected.

A glamorous, cosmopolitan woman, Altantuya grew up in St Petersburg, spoke Russian, Chinese, Korean and English, moved in elite circles and has been dubbed “a Far Eastern Mata Hari”.
She became the mistress of a Malaysian political fixer and was allegedly trying to extort money from him at the time of her violent demise.

Two members of an elite Malaysian police unit that protects top politicians are on trial in Kuala Lumpur, accused of shooting her in the jungle and then blowing up her body with military explosives.

Azilah Hadri, 32, and Sirul Azhar Umar, 36, officers in the Special Branch, could go to the gallows if convicted of abducting and murdering Altantuya on October 19, 2006. A verdict is expected early next month.

Their trial is unfolding as Najib Razak, the country’s deputy prime minister, stands on the verge of taking over as premier after a ruling-party leadership election, due within days.
Najib was accused by a young opposition MP, Gobind Singh Deo, in parliament, of involvement in the murder. Deo was suspended by the Speaker for making the remark. The deputy prime minister has strongly denied any involvement.

Testimony in an earlier court case has established an intimate personal and financial connection between the dead woman and a close aide to Najib, who was minister of defence at the time of the submarine deal.

The aide, Abdul Razak Baginda, was acquitted by a court last November of being an accessory in the murder. He has since been working on a doctorate at Trinity College, Oxford.

Baginda admitted that the dead woman was his mistress for about a year and prosecutors said she had pestered him for money after their break-up.

Just before her death she arrived in Kuala Lumpur, accompanied by a Mongolian shaman, who was to put a curse on Baginda if he did not pay up.

Altantuya was dragged away from outside Baginda’s home by two Special Branch officers, but he was acquitted after maintaining that he never gave orders for her to be harmed.

The Libération exposé linking the murder to the shadowy world of arms contracts has embarrassed the French war-ship firm DCNS. Armaris, a firm now merged with DCNS, sold the three submarines to Malaysia in 2002 for £937m.

Attention has centred on why Armaris paid £107m to a Malaysian company called Perimekar in 2006.

Opposition leaders alleged in parliament that the payment was a “commission” for intermediaries and that Perimekar was secretly owned by Baginda. Najib replied that it was not a “commission” and that Perimekar was a “project services provider”.

Libération has alleged that Altantuya, who toured France with Baginda in a Ferrari, wining and dining at expensive restaurants, learnt of the payment. It said she was demanding $500,000 (£345,000).

DCNS has refused to comment. It is already the subject of a French judicial investigation into corrupt practices, thanks to a whistleblower who has detailed bribery and industrial espionage allegations.

Last week, efforts to contact Baginda, a self-styled political analyst, at his new home in Oxford were unsuccessful.

Najib has avoided public comment but his politically influential wife, Rosmah Mansor, told the French news agency AFP that she was “shocked” by attempts to link her husband and her to the case.

"Straight Talk" by DiGi featuring Teresa Kok

“If you are not going to do one thing, you can have thousand reasons to give of not doing so.” This is the right statement to make in response to the stand Selangor state government has taken in local government election.

Local government election represents part of a democracy system which has been deployed by many democratic countries. Malaysia federal government has abolished the local government election after the 1969 general election which ended in riot.
Hence, all local councils are appointed by ruling party in the respected states and therefore the people right of 3rd vote has been denied.

NGO and the public put high hope in the revival of the local government election in the 5 states that won by Pakatan Rakyat in last general election as it is one of the propaganda that promised by opposition prior to the election.
Unfortunately, nothing has been done one year later.

When Teresa Kok was questioned by one of the audience during “Straight Talk” this morning, she has given many reasons of why it is not being done so. She even said that after becoming the government then only she realizes that many things are actually very difficult to implement.
Does she sound familiar? Isn’t it a typical answer by BN government?
I must say that the reason why people voted opposition in last election is because people want to see the CHANGE. Of course people know it’s not easy to become a government that’s why they voted you and give you the mandate to do so.
Do not give reasons or excuses as Malaysian has enough of them in the past 52 years. If you are not going to listen to the people then be prepared to face the consequences in the coming general election.

When asked about the setup of shadow government by the Pakatan Rakyat, Teresa Kok has actually opposed the proposal in favoring the policy making shall be made as first priority during this economy recession period.
Are they any conflict or contrary between these two agendas? I was scratching my head while listening to YB’s talk. Many democratic countries have shadow government to provide better check and balance to the ruling government and yet their policy making process was not impeded at all.
If Pakatan Rakyat is ready to take over the federal government in coming general election, it must show the line up to the people to boost our confidence. Pakatan Rakyat’s ceramah might be able to attract thousands of people but can they walk the talk? Do not rely on sweet talking too much because people might be deceived once but not twice.

Pakatan Rakat’s leaders must show they are totally different from the BN leaders by walking the talk.

People want to see a truly effective government but not another BN-like government.

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