
"Straight Talk" by DiGi featuring Teresa Kok

“If you are not going to do one thing, you can have thousand reasons to give of not doing so.” This is the right statement to make in response to the stand Selangor state government has taken in local government election.

Local government election represents part of a democracy system which has been deployed by many democratic countries. Malaysia federal government has abolished the local government election after the 1969 general election which ended in riot.
Hence, all local councils are appointed by ruling party in the respected states and therefore the people right of 3rd vote has been denied.

NGO and the public put high hope in the revival of the local government election in the 5 states that won by Pakatan Rakyat in last general election as it is one of the propaganda that promised by opposition prior to the election.
Unfortunately, nothing has been done one year later.

When Teresa Kok was questioned by one of the audience during “Straight Talk” this morning, she has given many reasons of why it is not being done so. She even said that after becoming the government then only she realizes that many things are actually very difficult to implement.
Does she sound familiar? Isn’t it a typical answer by BN government?
I must say that the reason why people voted opposition in last election is because people want to see the CHANGE. Of course people know it’s not easy to become a government that’s why they voted you and give you the mandate to do so.
Do not give reasons or excuses as Malaysian has enough of them in the past 52 years. If you are not going to listen to the people then be prepared to face the consequences in the coming general election.

When asked about the setup of shadow government by the Pakatan Rakyat, Teresa Kok has actually opposed the proposal in favoring the policy making shall be made as first priority during this economy recession period.
Are they any conflict or contrary between these two agendas? I was scratching my head while listening to YB’s talk. Many democratic countries have shadow government to provide better check and balance to the ruling government and yet their policy making process was not impeded at all.
If Pakatan Rakyat is ready to take over the federal government in coming general election, it must show the line up to the people to boost our confidence. Pakatan Rakyat’s ceramah might be able to attract thousands of people but can they walk the talk? Do not rely on sweet talking too much because people might be deceived once but not twice.

Pakatan Rakat’s leaders must show they are totally different from the BN leaders by walking the talk.

People want to see a truly effective government but not another BN-like government.

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