What lies beneath?
Author: 陈桂生 at 10:53 pm
2007 Investment Climate Statement - Malaysia
U.S DEPARTMENT of STATE study group used to produce annual investment climate report of all countries around the world to provide their investors with indept information of business environment of respective countries. The following is the summary of the report "2007 Investment Climate Statement - Malaysia". You can view the full report here.
1) The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported that in 2005 global FDI increased by 29% and FDI to Southeast Asia increased by 45%. However, FDI to Malaysia decreased by 14% during the same period. A longer term outlook shows a similar trend. Total FDI inward stock for Southeast Asia increased by 42.4% from 2000 to 2005, while total FDI inward stock for Malaysia decreased by 9% over the same time period. UNCTAD ranked Malaysia as the sixth largest destination for FDI in 1995; based on final 2005 figures, Malaysia now ranks 62nd.
2) An in-depth study of the investment climate, conducted by the GOM in collaboration with the World Bank and published in 2005,[3] identified Malaysia’s top two economic constraints as 1) its regulatory burden, especially for services, and 2) its shortage of skilled labor. Two similar studies, one conducted by UBS and the other by the Institute of International Finance, reached similar conclusions.
3) One of the government’s racial preference policies is a requirement that foreign and domestic non-manufacturing firms take on bumiputera partners (with a minimum of 30% of share capital). If a company seeks public listing on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange), it is required to reserve at least 30% of its initial public offering (IPO) for purchase by bumiputera. In 2003 the GOM ended a formal requirement that corporations issue additional stock to bring bumiputera equity back up to 30% if those shareholders had sold their stock. However, bumiputera equity remains a consideration when companies apply for an array of required permits and licenses -- many of which must be renewed either annually or biennially.
4) Malaysia’s requirements for the licensing and operation of direct selling companies include a provision that a locally incorporated direct selling company must allow for 30 percent bumiputera equity. The Ministry also “recommends” local content targets. Local companies that seek multi-level direct selling licenses require paid-in capital of RM 1.5 million ($423,700), while companies with foreign shareholders must have paid-in capital of RM 5 million ($1.4 million).
5) The Malaysian government also included local content requirements in "Guidelines on Foreign Participation in the Distributive Trade Services" that came into effect in December 2004. Among other provisions, department stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets are required to reserve at least 30 percent of shelf space in their premises for goods and products manufactured by bumiputera-owned small and medium sized industries. The guidelines also require that at least 30 percent of a store’s sales consist of bumiputera products, a rule that does not take into account discretionary behavior on the part of consumers.
6) The Ministry of Energy, Water, and Communications enforces broadcast content quotas on both radio and television programming. 80% of television programming must originate from local companies owned by bumiputera. However, in practice, local stations have been granted substantial latitude in programming because of a lack of suitable local programming. Radio programming also must consist of 60% locally originated content. Foreign ownership of radio and television stations is not permitted. Foreign investment in terrestrial broadcast networks is prohibited. As a condition for obtaining a license to operate, video rental establishments are required to have 30 percent local content in their inventories. Malaysia regularly censors movies and television shows deemed offensive on religious or sexual grounds.
7) The government owns approximately 36% of the value of firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia through its seven Government-Linked Investment Corporations (GLICs), including a majority stake in a number of companies. Only a minority portion of stock is available for trading for some of the largest publicly listed local companies. After the economic crisis of the late 1990s, the government began to re-acquire a number of entities it had privatized earlier, including the national air carrier, MAS, and Kuala Lumpur's light rail transit system. The government has given no indication of interest in restarting its privatization efforts. Khazanah, the government’s largest GLIC, handles many of the country’s major infrastructure projects, typically through companies in which it owns a majority stake. The Prime Minister and the Central Bank Governor sit on Khazanah’s Board of Directors.
And many many more...full report.I tried to search for the 2008 report but it's seems that Malaysia is missing out from the 2008 list. You can find the 2007 list here. Can you find Malaysia in 2008 list? I think they are giving up on Malaysia!
Author: 陈桂生 at 4:13 pm
Phantom Voters
No wonder opposition said in order for them to win a seat, they must at least gain 55% of the votes. So please walk out from home and vote intelligently. Every vote counts!
try to put any of these numbers kat senarai semak pemilih SPR at http://daftarj.spr.gov.my/daftar.asp
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Author: 陈桂生 at 12:58 am
We all can be "THE ONE"
After 50 years of independent, we are still being differentiated by bumiputra and non-bumiputra. Why can't we the malaysian be seen as only 1 race, 1 identity disregard of colours, religions and mother tongue to become the true Malaysian?
UMNO represents the malays, MCA represents the chineses and MIC represents the indians. Are these the perfect combination of the ruling coalition in our country? Or is it just a tactic of divide and conquer?
Malaysia-a holy land blessed with affluent of natural resources. Unfortunately, all these resources have never been equally distributed among all fellow malaysians as it supposed to be. There is a small group of people has been making stories to make everyone of us to believe that they have been doing great jobs to give us better life. In fact, they are the one who smuggling our butters to feed themselves and their cronies behind us.
Something is wrong with our country. After more than 30 years of the introduction of NEP, there are still plenty of bumiputras living under hard core poverty. Though the general per capital has increased but the gap of rich-poor is widening. This means bumiputra is getting much much lesser than they supposed to be getting. Why? Because those they are believing have been taking too much. But yet, they are still telling fairy tales.
To all malaysian, this is our last chance. After this there is no turning back.
You take the blue pill - the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill - you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Make your choice on 08/03/2008. A choice not only for the next 5 years but the next generation!
Author: 陈桂生 at 1:48 pm
I believe both LIM KIT SIANG and LIM GUAN ENG are the key persons in her U-TURN to the coming election.
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Author: 陈桂生 at 2:32 pm
Gun n Roses
Why didnt we see all these in papers or TV news?
16th February 2008, Malaysia police brutally dispersed a peaceful ethnic indians based gathering who seeking to deliver roses to our prime minister YAB Abdullah Bedawi by firing chemical-laced water and tear gas toward them. These people included women and children surely did not impose any danger to the public security but yet still being ill-treated.
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Author: 陈桂生 at 2:25 pm
Cili Padi,YB Fong Po Kuan steals the show
Below is the latest post by Fong in her blog named "CHAMBER OF THOUGHT"
Thank you, Voters of Batu Gajah Parliamentary Constituency
Time really flies. The second term as elected representative of Batu Gajah has just ended. It was a term with lots of ups and downs. What a challenge and experience in life!
Dear voters of Batu Gajah Parliamentary constituency, thank you so much for all the support which you have given to me and DAP. I would also like to apologise if I have done or said anything which hurt you during this two terms as your elected representative.
The power is now returned to the people. Let us deny Barisan Nasional 2/3 majority for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians. Please vote for DAP!
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Author: 陈桂生 at 10:41 am
It's time to claim back our pride as an Malaysian
Yeah, maybe you will say inflation is inevitable in today regardless of country. But tell you what, corruption has crippled this country due to infinite desire of our impotent leaders greediness. In this holy land, people see politic as the key to unlimited resources and power while the benefit of people only comes second to their thought. ISA, OSA have replaced freedom and democracy in this country. Police forces have been busying in confronting ppl on the street while our children are being abducted. We have no freedom, no protection, no money but yet they still claim themselves the only one in the country who can lead us. Fortunately, we do have election despite the fact our election is dirty, unfair, injustice...so every vote counts. Malaysian shall walk out from home in 8th March 2008 and use our vote to claim back our pride, money, freedom, justice, security and most importantly our children future. SAY NO TO BN!
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Author: 陈桂生 at 1:40 pm
Donate today-Vote later for a better tomorrow
Pak lah has dissolved the parliament today. SPR is going to announce the nomination and polling day tomorrow. I seen this http://dapmalaysia.org/english/2008/jan08/bul/bul3433.htm in LimKitSiang blog. And i decided to make a little contribution. Oppositions do not have those mega campaign machinary like BN does so we as fellow malaysian let's help opposition to fund their election campaign.
Author: 陈桂生 at 9:55 pm
以上相比起马华推行的‘终身学习’ 是不是更像政党议程 ?而后者的‘终身学习’ 是不是多过像由华团推行的民间活动? 除此之外,
(一) 提高国民的公共意识应该由民间团体来办。不管是反家庭暴力、还是教导如何促进家庭幸福美满、还是推广儒家思想,这些都是应该让民间团体来做。由政党做的话不是不好,只是功能与角色不协调,浪费政治资源。
(二) 合理化教育政策、制度化增建华小、透明化政府工程批发、独立化司法制度、自由化市场经济、平等化各族权益、效率化政府部门。。。还有
(三) 立法照顾弱势群体、提高医药保健、实行高等学府学术自由、津贴环保科技、改善公共交通系统。。。
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Author: 陈桂生 at 4:09 pm
Malaysia PM's sweetdream
This one is real classic!
He was really tired i think. Let's get him retired so that he can rest and play with his grandson at home.
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Author: 陈桂生 at 11:57 am