
We all can be "THE ONE"

After 50 years of independent, we are still being differentiated by bumiputra and non-bumiputra. Why can't we the malaysian be seen as only 1 race, 1 identity disregard of colours, religions and mother tongue to become the true Malaysian?

UMNO represents the malays, MCA represents the chineses and MIC represents the indians. Are these the perfect combination of the ruling coalition in our country? Or is it just a tactic of divide and conquer?

Malaysia-a holy land blessed with affluent of natural resources. Unfortunately, all these resources have never been equally distributed among all fellow malaysians as it supposed to be. There is a small group of people has been making stories to make everyone of us to believe that they have been doing great jobs to give us better life. In fact, they are the one who smuggling our butters to feed themselves and their cronies behind us.

Something is wrong with our country. After more than 30 years of the introduction of NEP, there are still plenty of bumiputras living under hard core poverty. Though the general per capital has increased but the gap of rich-poor is widening. This means bumiputra is getting much much lesser than they supposed to be getting. Why? Because those they are believing have been taking too much. But yet, they are still telling fairy tales.

To all malaysian, this is our last chance. After this there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill - the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill - you stay in wonderland and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Make your choice on 08/03/2008. A choice not only for the next 5 years but the next generation!

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wHyCaRe said...

Yes, we have all been sleeping so long, afraid to take the red pill. It's time to wake up.

陈桂生 said...

Well Said!
Let's get all of our friends wake up too!

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