
Cili Padi,YB Fong Po Kuan steals the show

Cili Padi,YB Fong Po Kuan announced yesterday that she will not be offering herself to contest in the coming general election. Already 2 terms elected as Batu Gajah parliament member, Fong's self withdrawal definitely a big loss to DAP moreover people of Malaysia. As chinese proverb says "Good news never spread from home but bad news travel along thousand miles". As expected, Fong's outburst yesterday has caught the front page of today papers. Full coverage story is provided today in all mainstream newspapers. Finally, Malaysia media never been so good toward opposition until today...Syabas!

Below is the latest post by Fong in her blog named "CHAMBER OF THOUGHT"

Thank you, Voters of Batu Gajah Parliamentary Constituency

Time really flies. The second term as elected representative of Batu Gajah has just ended. It was a term with lots of ups and downs. What a challenge and experience in life!

Dear voters of Batu Gajah Parliamentary constituency, thank you so much for all the support which you have given to me and DAP. I would also like to apologise if I have done or said anything which hurt you during this two terms as your elected representative.

The power is now returned to the people. Let us deny Barisan Nasional 2/3 majority for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians. Please vote for DAP!

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