
What lies beneath?

"Foreign investors will not have confidence in a Malaysia that is ruled by a government that is “terumbang-ambing” (unstable) and weak because it does not have more than two-thirds majority." This is what DPM Najib said to media yesterday. The news was published in the front page of SINCHEW paper. He also said investors would instead take their investment to more stable economies.

Is he correct? Or is he deceiving the people? Look at my yesterday post "2007 Investment Climate Statement-Malaysia", FDI to malaysia decreased by 14% in 2005 while FDI to South East Asia increased by 45% in the same year. Wasn't BN strong enough in the past few years? Wasn't BN received the strongest mandate from the people in 2004 election when BN won 91% of parliamentary seat? Our competativeness has been declining in recent years. Not because of our ruling coalition not strong enough, not because of our country economy not stable, but because of we are not ready to compete with the others in the era of globalisation. Look at Thailand, look at Vietnam, look at Cambodia, they are opening up their economies and moving up with very quick pace. Are they going to be like another South Korea? (The following fact is provided by PJ UTARA's DAP candidate TONY PUA during his speech on Monday night in his election campaign in SS2)In 1966, every Malaysian's average income during those days was 3 times more than the South Korean. After 24 years in 1990, we archieved parity. But in 2004, every South Korean earns 3 times more than us. What's wrong with Malaysia? Are our ministers-ministers telling the truth? What can Malaysia people do to change all this crap? We all shall think about it before 8th of March.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah najib and its all due to NEP.......you are dreaming in your own little world of mongolian models and big contracts.....leave the country to better able people!!!

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