

英国商务部的全称是Office ofGovernmentCommerce,缩写为OGC,由于旧的logo已经用了很多年,商务部花了14000英镑请人设计了一个新的logo。新 logo随后被印在英国商务部专用的鼠标垫及笔上,可是不久后有员工发现,新logo竟然隐藏着惊人的尴尬。把新logo顺时针旋转90度就会发现,它其实是一个令人脸红的图示。

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Is this KARMA?O.J. 辛普森 & Altantuya

13年前,橄榄球超级明星O.J. 辛普森涉嫌杀妻案,震惊全美。此案堪称20世纪美国社会最具争议的世纪大案之一。1995年10月3日,当辛普森案裁决即将宣布之时,整个美国一时陷入停顿。克林顿总统推开军机国务、国务卿贝克推迟演讲、华尔街股市交易清淡、数千名警察全副武装,如临大敌。根据CNN统计数字,大约有一亿四千万美国人收看或收听了世纪审判的最后裁决。陪审团裁决结果:辛普森无罪。

辛普森的无罪,无疑对美国司法制度来说是极大的讽刺。事后在美国,不管是白人或黑人都承认,如果辛普森只是一名穷光蛋,雇用不起堪称“梦幻组合” 的律师团为他辩护,他非被定罪不可。正是这班唯利是图律师,凭著三寸不烂之舌,利用美国社会的种族矛盾以及刑事诉讼程序中的漏洞,把原本掌握著铁证如山的检方和警方的证人驳得目瞪口呆,最后说服了陪审团全体成员,将杀人凶手无罪释放。到底辛普森有没有谋杀其妻子,只有天知地知还有辛普森自己知。事实上,凶手至今都还没有被找到。

13年后的今天,辛普森却因为持械抢劫及绑架的罪名,被判了33年的监禁。他被判于2007年和5名朋友,其中2人持有枪械,闯入酒店房间,打劫2名经销商。很难想象一个曾经是美国体育界的超级明星,广告界的宠儿,坐拥身价千万,甚至有能力雇用“梦幻组合” 律师团对抗国家机关的大富豪,竟然落魄到要持械抢劫。13年前,辛普森没有被判罪,可是今天他却因为另一件案件而被判罪了。辛普森之所以生活潦倒到要持械抢劫,会不会是因为当初将大部分的身家都拿去聘请律师了呢?这是报应吗?倘若他真的是凶手的话。

回到大马,阿尔丹杜雅炸尸一案同样也是震惊国际,其中嫌疑犯同样也是身份显赫,结果也是被判无罪释放。炸尸案的真正主谋同辛普森涉嫌杀妻案一样没有被找到。这两宗同样被嘲为对国家司法是一大讽刺的大案件拥有许多雷同之处。然而,结局会是一样吗?辛普森是不是真凶,阿尔丹杜雅炸尸的真正主谋是谁? 诚如刚才所说的:只有天知地知还有凶手知。然而,我相信这悯悯中会有一股力量主宰著万物,它看著所有做过伤天害理的坏人,记著他们做过的坏事,并在适当的时候审判这些人。


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From Drama to Turmoil

The curtain of Thailand political drama rose in September 2006 when Prime Minister Thaksin and his government were overturned by military coup.

After 2 years, the political drama seems turning into political turmoil. The most recent occupation of Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International airport and old Don Mueang airport by anti-government protesters is aggravating the already weaken social stability as well as the deteriorating economy.

Currently, there are more than 3000 tourists are trapped in the airport. No air plane is allowed to depart or arrive from the airport. Anti government leaders take over the control of the airport and Airways must get their consent before they can use the airport facilities.

Anti government leaders are hoping military’s intervention but the powerful army chief General Anupong Paojinda has singled out another coup will be staged by army this time.

Government spokesman hints that due to current situation the premier may call the parliament to dissolve and call for an election in order to end the current political turmoil. But the anti government leaders have refused in this solution.

The prolong political turmoil in Thailand has divided the thai into two different groups. The red-shirt represents the pro-government while the yellow-shirt represents the anti-government.
However, these poor people in fighting each others seems like never aware they are only tool of two great men who sacrificing their life and country future just for their own political gain.

No matter who win the war, the thai people will be always on the losing side.

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因为他是黄明志,<丘老师ABC时间>突然红过Quantum of Solace。








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(一) 马华在未来的3年里,肯定是翁诗杰的强势领导。

翁诗杰在安排党职上,几乎都没有考虑到要安抚黄氏派系,也没有重用胜选的蔡细历。在总秘书这重要的职位上则出乎意料的启用了来自登家楼的王弗明。黄家泉和蔡细历谨被委任为两个无关痛痒的局的主任。粗俗地来讲一句话,翁诗杰几乎都不‘鸟’ 他们两位。



(二) 未来的马华将更重视华社的民意大于党内的民意。


(三) 黄氏在党内的势力将迅速泡沫化。



(四) 马华在未来一定年青化

毕竟308过后,大选成绩证明了原来年轻的选民其实能够影响老一辈选民的投票倾向。因此,我们可以预见马华在未来将会比过去更极力吸取年轻才俊加入党。可惜的是,自从确定未来首相将由纳吉接任后,国内的言论空间也迅速的收缩。马华如何在未来这个缺乏言论表达舞台的空间发挥起‘敢怒敢言’ 的才华将是严峻的考验。

(五) 翁诗杰的排阵将可能促成蔡氏与黄氏合作。

如果说翁诗杰乃是坐收了渔翁之利,其实并不为过。自上届马华党选后,马华的权力之争基本上乃是属于黄家定和蔡细历的角力之争。如果不是这次的308大海啸的搅局,今届党选翁诗杰能不能蝉联副总会长还是一个未知数。翁诗杰过去的‘独行侠’ 作风根本就无法为他在党内建立强大的人脉网络。如果这次党选不是黄家定为他护航,缺乏基层的翁氏单靠其势力根本就无法问鼎总会长宝座。原本黄家定也打好算盘希望通过翁诗杰当选后保留其党内的势力,谁知翁诗杰现在却过河拆桥,他心里一定不好受。在加上如果成功当选党内‘老二’ 的蔡细历却也在党内被边缘化的话,黄氏和蔡氏会不会放下之前的恩怨然后合作倒翁也很难说。蔡细历已经放话如果他是因为‘有心人’ 故意不把他的名字交上去而导致他无法入阁,他一定不会罢休。但以翁诗杰一贯的行事作风,绝对不可能事情做到一半就调头。蔡细历返回内阁的梦看来很难咯。如果事情发展果真如此,那么未来就更可能看到黄氏和蔡氏合作对抗当权派的格局。


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美国的房产贷款系统可分为3大类:优质贷款市场、次优级贷款市场、次级贷款市场。这是一种以信用额程度高低而决定客户优质等级的系统。其衡量标准包括收入等级(income level),信用记录(credit history),头期付款(size of down payment made) ,以及职业状况(employment status) 。




由于相互竞争,银行家们更是不断推出更优厚的次贷条款以争取顾客。这些优厚的次待条款包括了“不需要有收入,不需要有工作,不需要有产业抵押” ,俗称“忍者贷款”(Ninja loan)。因为只要房屋价格不断地提升,贷款者大可以在一两年后进行房屋贷款从组以获得更优惠的条件或变卖房产后仍获得利润。

因此,次贷市场迅速地在膨胀。次贷在美国的整个房贷市场的占有额也从1994年的5%(350亿美元)增长至2006年的20%(6000亿美元) 。

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Abdul Razak Baginda acquitted

Breaking news:

The court today acquitted Abdul Razak Baginda of the murder of Mongolian Altantuya. The other 2 inspectors are found guilty.

The acquittal of Abdul Razak Baginda is expected to draw heat discussion among the nation. This will certainly become the drama in the country for the coming weeks.

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The Return of the KING

Mahathir rejoins UMNO after less than 4 months he left UMNO. The man who brings him back is not Najib but Muhyiddin. The intention of Tun return is very clear that he wants to restart the engine of ‘KO PAKLAH PROJECT’. The message to Najib is also very clear that if he is not going to challenge PAK LAH for the party presidency then Tun will command Muhyiddin to challenge him. This will make Najib no turning back. Why does Mahathir choose this time to announce his return? The reason is simple. Pak lah is losing the control over UMNO and Barisan Nasional. Ultimately, he is losing the control of this country. The Ahmad Ismail’s racist reference to Malaysian Chinese as “penumpang” in the country has put the BN co-alliance on the verge of collapse. The impotent of Pak lah had resulted in Ahmad Ismail’s arrogance. There is no better timing than now to bring down Pak Lah from inside.

Who is the boss behind Ahmad Ismail?

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Who is racist - from UTUSAN Malaysia

This article was published in UTUSAN MALAYSIA on 7th September 2008, one day after PakLah asked everybody to shut up. I think we will have a very big issue if majority of the malay sharing the same mindset.

Siapa sebenarnya yang rasis?

"Rasis" dan "perkauman" telah lama menjadi istilah yang mengikat orang-orang Melayu daripada bercakap tentang kepentingan Melayu. Dua istilah ini sekaligus menjadi fobia kepada orang Melayu, mereka bimbang kalau apa yang dikatakan terjebak dalam erti rasis atau perkauman. Kalau ini berlaku, fikir mereka, sudah tentu akan menyinggung perasaan kaum lain yang datang kemudian tetapi diterima menjadi rakyat negara ini. Bagaimanapun dari sudut lain, fobia dilabel dua istilah ini pula membuka laluan kepada kaum lain bertindak sebaliknya kepada orang Melayu.

Sebenarnya kedua-dua istilah ini tidak ada dalam perbendaharaan kata adat dan berbudaya orang Melayu. Orang Melayu tidak diajar untuk berlaku rasis kepada kaum lain, biar pun kaum yang datang kemudian itu membawa maksud pendatang. Dalam budaya dan tradisi Melayu, tetamu tetap dirai, silap dan lantangnya pula terpaksa ditelan dengan senyum dan bermanis muka. Inilah orang Melayu. Sejak turun temurun mereka diasuh mendahulukan yang datang seperti kata bidalan, orang asing yang singgah kekenyangan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan. Dalam konteks politik, orang Melayu berpesan kepada diri sendiri supaya memegang etika sebagai tuan rumah. Tetapi pada masa yang sama, sesetengah pihak dalam kalangan kaum yang datang ke negara ini tidak membawa budaya pendatang yakni menjaga hati tuan rumah.

Tetapi apalah gunanya menjadi tuan rumah kalau terlalu kerap disuruh beralah dengan gelagat orang asing yang datang ke rumah mereka? Sebenarnya orang Melayu di negara ini sudah lama dimangsai oleh dua istilah di atas yang dilabelkan dengan sewenang-wenangnya kepada kepada orang Melayu yang menyuarakan tentang hak mereka. Ketidakadilan menggunakan label ini sangat jelas apabila rasis tidak dirujuk kepada kaum lain, melainkan orang Melayu. Persoalannya benarkah orang Melayu rasis ketika ada kaum lain yang berarak dan membuat keganasan di jalan-jalan raya mempertikaikan hak orang-orang Melayu?

Isu Ketua UMNO Bahagian Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang, Datuk Ahmad Ismail yang menganggap orang Cina sebagai "pendatang" memberi peluang terbaru untuk melabelkan orang Melayu sebagai rasis. Ahmad Ismail "diserang" bertalu-talu oleh parti Gerakan, sebuah parti yang duduk bersama UMNO dalam Barisan Nasional (BN). Gerakan yakni orang Cina menuntut Ahmad Ismail meminta maaf kerana menganggap orang Cina sebagai pendatang. Gerakan melabelkan Ahmad Ismail sebagai rasis dan kecinaan Gerakan pun semakin terserlah apabila mahu mengkaji semula kedudukan parti itu dalam BN. Label rasis begitu mudah digunakan untuk merujuk tindak tanduk orang Melayu yang menyebut asal usul orang Cina di negara ini. Padahal dalam konteks sejarah apa yang disebut oleh Ahmad Ismail itu memang tertulis kebenarannya.

Dalam sebuah kampung yang dihuni oleh orang Melayu bukanlah suatu fenomena yang luar biasa kalau ada sebuah kedai runcit Cina yang begitu maju perniagaannya. Siapakah yang memajukan perniagaan kedai runcit ini kalau bukan semua orang Melayu di kampung berkenaan? Kalau benar orang Melayu mengamalkan racisme, percayalah tidak ada kedai India atau Cina di kampung-kampung Melayu. Orang Melayu tidak ada masalah untuk berurusan jual beli di kedai milik Cina dan sikap ini bukan dibuat-buat sebaliknya memang menjadi amalan sejak dulu lagi.

Sikap terbukaDi pekan atau bandar-bandar pula, sebahagian besar kedai dimiliki oleh orang Cina dan segelintir saja dimiliki orang Melayu. Orang Cina tidak pergi ke kedai orang Melayu seperti orang Melayu berduyun-duyun ke kedai Cina. Malah sikap terbuka orang Melayu ini juga banyak membunuh perniagaan orang Melayu di pekan dan bandar-bandar besar apabila orang Melayu pilih kedai Cina dan orang Cina pilih kedai kaumnya. Itu pun orang Melayu tetap dianggap kaum yang mengamalkan racisme terhadap kaum lain.

Nampaknya orang Melayu tidak boleh lagi berterusan mengambil langkah yang apologetik semata-mata untuk mengambil hati kaum-kaum lain di negara ini. Apa saja yang menyentuh kepentingan orang Melayu sebagai penduduk asal negara ini dan yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan perlu terus diperjuangkan. Orang Melayu perlu mempunyai keberanian untuk menangkis pihak lain yang menggunakan istilah rasis dan perkauman untuk menutup hujah mengenai orang Melayu. Malah orang Melayu perlu menyerlahkan keberanian untuk tidak menjadikan Perlembagaan sebagai kitab usang. Caranya ialah dengan tidak membiarkan pihak lain dengan mudah memanipulasikan sentimen yang menjuruskan kepada rasis sesuatu kaum.

Isu Ketua UMNO Bukit Bendera ini perlu dijadikan titik penting untuk orang Melayu bangun menangkis sikap honar sesetengah pihak yang membakar api kaum di negara ini. Tentu banyak yang masih ingat kenyataan seorang anggota Gerakan ketika Hindraf melancarkan demonstrasi besar-besaran di jalan-jalan utama di Kuala Lumpur dulu. Katanya, memang benar dasar UMNO menjadikan orang India di negara ini hidup terpinggir. UMNO itu Melayu dan menuduh dasar UMNO dengan sendirinya mengaitkan kononnya amalan rasis dilakukan oleh orang Melayu ke atas orang India di negara ini. Malangnya UMNO tidak agresif seperti yang dilakukan Gerakan dalam isu Ahmad Ismail. Ini satu kegagalan UMNO menangani isu yang dijuruskan kepada rasis. Tolong tanya kepada Gerakan, apakah tindakan yang diambil ke atas anggota Gerakan berkenaan yang bukan saja bertentangan dengan amalan Barisan Nasional tetapi lebih bahaya lagi menyalakan api rasis antara Melayu dengan India.

Adakah orang Melayu masih dianggap rasis selepas orang India dalam Gerakan menuduh dasar sebuah parti Melayu mengamalkan racisme hingga mereka terpinggir daripada pembangunan? Orang Melayu mesti membetulkan tanggapan begini supaya sejarah tidak terus ditipu kononnya Melayu itu rasis. Dalam masa yang sama adakah Hindraf yang dengan terang terang berkata mereka memusuhi UMNO itu bukan rasis dan orang Melayu masih boleh duduk diam tanpa berbuat apa-apa? Memusuhi UMNO adalah memusuhi Melayu kerana UMNO itu parti Melayu sekali pun tidak semua Melayu berada dalam UMNO. Adakah satu kaum mengakui secara terbuka memusuhi kaum lain masih tidak dianggap rasis?

MIC sebuah parti komponen Barisan Nasional. MIC dianggotai oleh orang India. Hindraf sebuah pergerakan haram juga dianggotai oleh orang India. Tetapi apabila ada beberapa orang kuat Hindraf ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA), MIC dan Hindraf mendesak kerajaan membebaskan kaum mereka yang ditahan dalam ISA. Tahanan ISA bukan saja terdiri daripada orang India. Orang Melayu lebih banyak ditahan di bawah ISA. Tetapi orang Melayu tidak pula mendesak kerajaan membebaskan tahanan Melayu di bawah ISA atau menganjurkan "parti hari jadi" anak tahanan ISA di lobi bangunan Parlimen. Tindakan memperjuangkan nasib orang India saja yang ditahan di bawah ISA adalah menjurus kepada racisme, yakni memperjuangkan kepentingan satu kaum saja. Tetapi orang Melayu masih "berbudi bahasa" dan tidak melabelkan tindakan MIC dan Hindraf itu sebagai rasis.

ToleransiDi Selangor pula misalnya terdapat 700,000 orang beragama Hindu tetapi mereka mempunyai lebih 1,000 buah kuil. Padahal orang Islam di Selangor berjumlah empat juta orang tetapi hanya mempunyai 380 buah masjid. Sekiranya orang Melayu rasis, sudah tentu di Selangor tidak akan ada 700 kuil kalau melihat nisbah dengan jumlah masjid dan orang Islam. Semua ini berjalan lancar kerana toleransi orang Melayu yang faham peri pentingnya agama lain kepada kaum lain.

Kaum lain tidak perlu sengaja membuat andaian salah terhadap orang Melayu, kononnya Melayu kaum yang rasis dan penindas kepada kaum lain. Buktinya, dalam sejarah dan ketamadunan Melayu tidak mencatatkan Melayu sebagai penakluk. Lihatlah mana-mana catatan sejarah sekali pun, adakah mencatatkan bahawa orang Melayu menjadi penakluk seperti bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia? Kalau dilihat di luar konteks negara, dunia Melayu bukanlah sempit dan tidak berpengaruh. Tetapi memilik pengaruh besar tidak pernah menjadikan Melayu sebagai bangsa penakluk seperti sekian banyak penjajah yang menjajah negara ini. Jadi, orang Cina dan India perlu mengakui bahawa label rasis yang diberikan kepada orang Melayu sebenarnya membongkar sikap rasis mereka sendiri.

Toleransi orang Melayu sebenarnya hingga ke peringkat memakan diri. Semua ini tentunya dilakukan demi keamanan dan kestabilan politik di negara yang dihuni oleh pelbagai kaum ini. Apa lagi yang perlu orang Melayu korbankan supaya tidak dianggap rasis oleh orang bukan Melayu? Hinggakan menghunus keris yang menjadi salah satu daripada resam budaya Melayu tidak boleh dilakukan kerana orang Cina mentafsirkan keris itu melambangkan keganasan. Dalam budaya Melayu menghunus keris tidak ada kena mengena dengan mengamuk atau rasis terhadap kaum lain. Maka berkorbanlah orang Melayu memohon maaf kerana menghunus keris. Sebenarnya cerita tentang keris ini sangat sukar dipercayai tetapi begitulah realitinya yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh orang Melayu bagi menjaga keharmonian hidup di negara ini.

Kaum lain kena ingat, orang Melayu adalah manusia biasa yang mempunyai tahap kesabaran yang sama dengan orang lain. Sekiranya terlalu banyak provokasi yang melabelkan Melayu seolah-olah kaum yang rasis, sudah tentu suatu perasaan yang tidak baik wujud di antara pelbagai kaum di negara ini. Orang Melayu sebenarnya sangat terbuka. Lihatlah apabila ada anak muda Melayu yang membakar bendera Jalur Gemilang dalam kejadian di Batu Buruk, Terengganu, anak-anak muda itu menerima hukuman dan orang Melayu menerima dengan hati terbuka. Tetapi hati mereka remuk apabila seorang remaja Cina yang berada di luar negara menghina lagu Negaraku dengan mengubah lirik yang membawa maksud buruk tidak dikenakan apa-apa tindakan. Anak muda Melayu membakar Jalur Gemilang hanya disaksikan segelintir penduduk di Batu Buruk, tetapi lirik lagu Negaraku yang diubah dapat diakses di seluruh dunia menerusi Internet. MCA dan Gerakan juga mengkritik tindakan yang paling tidak patriotik itu tetapi nadanya sangat lembut dan akhirnya isu itu selesai tanpa penyudah.

Maka kepada isu Ahmad Ismail di Bukit Bendera, ketegasan untuk tidak memohon maaf perlu dihormati serta difahami oleh Gerakan. Hanya baru sekali ini orang Melayu bertegas, selepas banyak kali orang Melayu mengorbankan perasaan mereka untuk menjaga hati kaum lain. Kenyataan bahawa kedudukan kaum lain tidak sama dengan bumiputera di negara ini bukanlah luar biasa. Malah dalam Perlembagaan juga ada peruntukkan tertentu yang tidak diberikan kepada kaum lain. Mempertikaikan kenyataan Ahmad Ismail sama dengan mempertikaikan Perlembagaan. Adakah Gerakan cukup besar untuk mempertikaikan Perlembagaan? Sebaliknya Gerakan yang kelihatan sangat rasis apabila tidak melihat kenyataan Ahmad Ismail dalam konteks yang menyeluruh. Gerakan sengaja memetik frasa-frasa tertentu untuk memperlihatkan seluruh kenyataan itu menjurus kepada rasis. Sebenarnya ini adalah satu contoh tindakan yang rasis.

author: Ku Seman Ku Hassain

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‘寄居论’ 各造大斗法,各取所需

今天星洲日报头版刊登了马华总秘书黄家犬(opss….sorry, should be黄家泉) 表示马华不会推出国阵。翻到报章第三页,看到马华总会长黄家定表示不能接受阿末的“独立前历史” 的解释;更不能认同首相下达的SHUT UP封口令。令我感到感慨的是,既然黄家定已经胆敢公然的违抗首相的旨令,为何星洲却不敢刊登在头版?难道总秘书说的话竟然还比总会长的话还重?既然星洲已经敢把‘寄居论’ 抄到那么热,为何现在却还要避重就轻呢?我们常说政治人物的consistency很重要;其实媒体的consistency也一样重要。




‘寄居论’ 发展直此令人意想不到。但既然头已经淋湿,马华和民政必须站稳立场。如果这次再拜倒在巫统的裙底下,那么马华民政以后就再也抬不起头来。与其让人家瞧不起,不如就借‘寄居论’ 做为跳槽的理由吧。到时就能名正言顺的走!看看他们有没有种玩‘晒浪’ 。

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308大海嘯過後﹐由公正黨﹑民主行動黨和回教黨所組成的‘人民聯盟陣線’ 成功在檳城﹑霹靂和雪州組織政府。對於公正黨和行動黨而言﹐這次乃是首次嘗到做政府的滋味。因此﹐民盟州政府的一舉一動必定會被人民放在顯微鏡下檢驗。雖然設有由三黨組成的領導層理事會﹐然而由民盟所執政的5個州政府在施政上明顯還缺乏統一性。檳﹑霹﹑雪﹑吉四州政府在剛執政初所給予選民的‘糖果’就尤其明顯。檳州政府宣佈免還罰單﹑霹靂州政府实施分发免费的永久地契﹑吉打州政府請人民免費看球賽﹑雪州政府推出給予免費享用首20立方公尺的自來水供應﹐就凸顯了由民盟組成的州政府缺乏協調與互動。雖然後來檳州與雪州也表示有意效仿霹靂州政府的土地政策﹐但步伐前後的不一致難免給人一種各自為政的感覺。除了檳州政府宣佈採納CAT(CREDIBILITY)有能力的﹐(ACCOUNTABILITY)負責任的﹐(TRANSPARENCY)透明的為其施政哲學外﹐其他4州的民盟政府都還沒有效仿檳州政府的做法甚至提出自己的施政哲學﹐明顯地民盟政府彼此間的合作關係有待加強。三黨必須以民盟這個平臺證明他們真的可以在政府里面合作無間﹐以反駮國陣指責三黨合作只是政治婚姻﹐為了短暫的利益而結盟。因此﹐強調政策於立場的一致性與一貫性是非常重要的。在此建議各州聯盟政府定時召開會議﹐討論政策並一起對外公佈﹐顯示民盟政府執政一致性的立場。





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安华在826以狂风扫落叶的姿势狂胜国阵后选人后,的确让许多人忙著往地上找碎片。当国阵用尽所有的竞选机关,当然包括了一贯性的肮脏手段外;这次更具创意的连‘发誓’(纳吉到回教堂发誓从来就不认识Athantuya) 的新招数也派上用场。不知最近为什么突然流行起‘发誓’ 这玩意,好像不管什么人只要到ALLAH面前发誓就一定可以洗白白。先有喜欢‘开后门’给人进 的;后有喜欢别人‘开后门’ 给他进的。当然这是题外话了!回归正题,很多人的确对安华所获得的多数票感到意外。多数人都会认为,当国阵投入那么多的资源后,再加上投票日是工作天游子无法回乡投票的情形下,安华的多数票应该会低于旺阿芝莎。可惜成绩揭晓时,安华整整比对手多了15671张票。对民联而言,这是安华进攻布城的最大推动力。对国阵而言,这是308过后的另一场政治海啸。虽然国阵早有心理准备铁钉会输,但绝对没有预测会输到那么惨。

因此,随着这场补选结束后,巫统内部的分裂将会越演越烈。但与308后所不同的是,这次除了要首相阿都拉下台的声音将会此起彼落外,巫统将会重新评估纳吉是否是接任下一届首相的最佳人选?因为贵为副首相同时也是身为国阵在这场补选的统帅的纳吉,在几乎用了可用的资源后依然惨败。对纳吉本身威望的重大打击自然是不言而喻。此外,巫统从基层到中央领袖必定会开始质疑,纳吉这位‘候任首相’ 是否可以带领巫统乃至国阵在下届大选重新收复失地。更何况对纳吉不利的谣言可说是不胜枚举。随手沾来就有潜水艇5亿拥金丑闻、蒙古女郎炸尸案、被影射安华鸡奸案主谋、策划赛夫宣誓等等都围绕著纳吉。就算没有真凭实据证明纳吉的确是这些事件的背后主谋,然而真相是什么已经不再那么重要了。因为只要一提起这些新闻,几乎所有人都会将这些新闻和纳吉联想在一起。这样就已经足够让纳吉无法当上下一任首相了。虽然目前为此在巫统里面并没有这种声音,但我相信拥有这种想法的领袖肯定大有人在,只是视乎是否有人敢先提出。巫统在12月会有党选,因此我相信那个时刻将很快到来。即时,最有可能在纳吉倒台后得益的就非慕尤丁莫属了。所以,如果慕尤丁在接下来的几个月相继发表了一些让人“惊叹” 的言论是可以预见的。



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Anwar taking oats in parliment today


Anwar's majority is more than his wife

Breaking News! (9:45pm)
Official from SPR:
Anwar bagged 31,195 votes
Arif Shah bagged 15524 votes
Majority of 15,671

Breaking News! (8:30pm)
Anwar bagged 31,949 votes
Arif Shah bagged 14297 votes
Majority of 17,652

Breaking News! (8:00pm)

Majority now increases to 16210

Breaking News! (7:30pm)

Anwar is leading big.
Anwar 16101
Arif Shah 6071


Fuel hike: 78 sen more to RM2.70 per litre

What life will it be when petrol price rises to RM2.70? I still remember when government increased the fuel price 2 years ago they promised the money saved would be used to improve the public transport facility. Are they improved? Did our government say anything about that? What choice do people have if the petrol price goes beyond our limit while public transport is very poor? We have no choice! Then what can we do to offset the portion of money that goes to this fuel hike? DPM said that people have to change their lifestyle. What say you?


Anwar Ibrahim interviewed by Australia Network

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Raja Petra charged, chooses jail over bail

From Malaysiakini latest:

Raja Petra charged, chooses jail over bail
Chan Kok Leong May 6, 08 10:40am

Malaysia Today news portal webmaster Raja Petra Kamaruddin was today charged with sedition at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court over an article which he wrote in his website.
The article allegedly implied that Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife were involved in the killing of a young Mongolian woman.

Raja Petra claimed trial to the charge. He was charged under Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act for publishing seditious article on April 25 on Malaysia Today.

Hearing has been fixed from Oct 6 to 10 and Raja Petra was granted a bail of RM5,000, which he refused to post, deciding instead to remain in custody until the hearing date.

He has been taken to the Sungai Buluh prison to be remanded.

If found guilty, Raja Petra could be jailed for a maximum of three years and/or face a fine of up to RM5,000.The chargesheet also highlighted nine paragraphs of the article which was titled "Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell" as seditious.Deputy Public Prosecutor Nordin Hassan is prosecuting while Raja Petra was represented by a team of six lawyers led by Karpal Singh.Earlier this morning Raja Petra was asked to present himself at the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court to face the sedition charge.

He had been waiting to be charged at the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate's Court when he received a telephone call from the police at about 10.20am asking him to go to the PJ court instead.

Wife stunnedRaja Petra's wife Marina Lee Abdullah was also present in the court today and expressed her shock over her husband's decision not to post bail."This is a statement he wants to make. He feels that he has done nothing wrong and we don't have the funds."If we do a campaign of RM1 a person and when we raise sufficient funds, we'll take him out as soon as possible," she said, referring to a fund-raising campaign initiated in Malaysia Today to raise enough money to post bail for Raja Petra.
"At the moment, I'm quite stunned by what he has done (not wanting to be bailed), so let me see him tomorrow. And we will take it from there.When asked if their family was prepared for the charge preferred against Raja Petra, Marina said that she would be discussing the matter with her children later today."I don't think that anyone is prepared for this. I just called my kids to tell them about this. We'll go back and have a family gathering to discuss this.She also said that she was disappointed with the manner Raja Petra was treated by the police in the run up of being charged today."I'm not angry but I'm very disappointed with the way things are done in a hurry. They send us to this court (Jalan Duta) and then push us to the other court (Petaling Jaya)."They send us to this police station and say come tomorrow and then they come to the house to take the computer. And this has happened even today when they want to charge him."We went there at 8.30am and waited till 11am and they say its not there and tell us to come to PJ Sessions (Court). It's a circus. It doesn't look as though they are serious. It's trumped up charges. As though as everything is done in a hurry. Don't you think so?" she said.

Summoned yesterday

Late yesterday the popular webmaster was ordered to surrender at the Jalan Duta court complex at 9.30am this morning to face a sedition charge.Talking to reporters at the Jalan Duta court complex this morning, Raja Petra said that he was a victim of political persecution."I knew this was coming," he said.

"This is merely an excuse to arrest me, detain me or charge me. But this excuse is a stupid excuse."Once they charge me and the trial has been set, we shall point out not only do they have no case but it is absolutely political persecution," he added.He said that he was aware of a call made by an Umno leader from Petaling Jaya (Utara) about three weeks ago that "they should find ways to arrest me".News about Raja Petra's case spread like a wild fire last night and this morning a large crowd had gathered at the court complex to show support for him.Also present were DAP leaders Lim Kit Siang and Ronnie Liu as well as Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar.

Nurul Izzah said that it was a duty of everyone to come and show their support to Raja Petra."Especially since Malaysia Today was the primary source of a lot of unearthing of scandals especially corrupt practices of the leadership and the government."And it (Malaysia Today) has helped opened the eyes of the nation to what is gong on and what is wrong with the country. It played a huge role in the last elections.

Najib's statement

Last Friday, Raja Petra was called in by the police to have his statement recorded over an Internet posting two weeks ago pertaining to the murder case of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian national.On April 25, Raja Petra posted the article titled 'Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell' on his blog, Malaysia Today. The posting implicated Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor in the high-profile case.Najib subsequently issued a denial through his press secretary Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad, whereas Rosmah has also denied the allegations against her.The Altantunya murder trial is currently ongoing at the Shah Alam.


RTM1 interviews Raja Petra Kamarudin

An interview by RTM1 must be watched.

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Wind of Change 2008

Two decades ago, WIND OF CHANGE blew across the eastern of europe. Many countries entered the new era of political landscapes. Today, we are withnessing the new political wind of change across the world. If the previous wind of change only brought impacts to those in europe then the later one certainly is rocking the world without bondaries.

This year alone, without mentioning still yet the mid of 2008, many elections had undergone in many countries. Almost all of them had favoured the oppositions. Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Nepal, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Italy and Spain, oppositions had achieved landslide victory in it's general election. Some of them even overturned the government and formed the new government. Will Malaysia follow the wind and complete the CHANGE?


I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close,like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever

I fallow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change blows straight
Into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring
The freedom bell for peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

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There is no "Constituitional Crisis"

Yes, that's right. There is no so called "Constituitional Crisis" as erroneously dubbed by mainstream media. Terrengganu Sultan(Our Agong as well) is not sleeping like sombody does. Just look on below and you will know why.

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Mukhriz Mahathir's Letter To PM

> 12th March 2008
> Dato' Seri,

> Let me take this opportunity to thank you and the party's leadership
> for the faith in me and the chance to contest in Jerlun as a Barisan
> Nasional candidate. With the blessing and hard work of the party's
> leadership and machinery as well as the people of Jerlun, I have won
> the election and am now a new Member of Parliament.
> However, sadly enough, my victory is rendered meaningless in view of
> the defeat that Umno and the Kedah BN suffered at the hands of the
> opposition.
> Apart from Kedah, four other states as well as the Federal Territories
> also received a similar humiliation in defeat.
> In fact your own state of Penang was wrested by the DAP from the BN.
> Kelantan is again under PAS rule. In other states, the BN also
> suffered a similar humiliation when the level of BN support by the
> people has tremendously reduced. This, Datuk Seri, has never happened
> in the history of BN rule.
> The sole intention of my letter to you is meant to save Umno and BN
> from being rejected further by the people and from being no longer
> relevant to our religion, race and nation.
> Dato' Seri, the people are unhappy and the message from them is very
> clear, and that is, they have rejected you as the nation's chief
> executive.
> Contrary to your claim that you still have the support of Umno and
> other component parties, the reality is that even our own party
> members had reneged in their voting pattern by supporting the
> opposition and inflicting the BN its defeat.
> Dato' Seri, when the people held street demonstrations you openly
> dared them to resort to the ballot boxes to demonstrate.
> They took your challenge by coming out, especially those people in the
> Peninsular, and they demonstrated their feelings by voting us out at
> state and Parliament levels.
> It is therefore clear that your leadership and your handling of the
> issues faced by the people and the nation are no longer accepted.
> Let's not deny the truth just for the sake of keeping your seat as
> Prime Minister.
> For the love of this country and the people, I beg that you take
> responsibility for the defeat. We can save Umno, the BN and the nation
> only if you relinquish your positions as Prime Minister and president
> of Umno.
> Dato' Seri, I hope you will understand that I make this plea with the
> intention of salvaging a very dire situation. A move has been made to
> woo BN representatives to join the Opposition. The enemy needs just 35
> seats more to topple the government of your leadership.
> If you do not resign in the near future, I fear that the situation
> will become untenable and that Malay support for Umno and BN will be a
> thing of the past.
> This plea I make without malice, and I am aware that your reaction and
> that of other Umno members could very well be hostile.
> But come what may, I am prepared, for the sake of the Malays and
> Umno, to face the consequences of my action. With all humility, I
> leave my fate to Allah SWT.
> Dato' Seri, I am sure that you will do the right thing for the sake of
> the people and the nation. May Allah SWT bless you for the sacrifice
> you make by stepping down.
> Wasallam.
> Yours sincerely,
> Mukhriz Mahathir
> Jerlun Member Parliament

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Malaysia's 2008 Cabinet

18/3/2008 13:32 Latest:
PUTRAJAYA: Berikut senarai Jemaah Menteri yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad hari ini:

Perdana Menteri : Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Timbalan Perdana Menteri: Datuk Seri Najib Razak

Menteri : Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Menteri : Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz
Menteri : Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Menteri : Datuk Zaid Ibrahim (senator)
Menteri : Datuk Amirsham A Aziz (senator)
Timbalan : Datuk Johari Baharum
Timbalan : Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim (senator)
Timbalan : S K Devamany
Timbalan : Datuk Hasan Malek

Menteri : Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar
Timbalan : Datuk Chor Chee Heung
Timbalan : Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh (senator)

Menteri : Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Menteri II : Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
Timbalan : Datuk Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah
Timbalan : Datuk Kong Cho Ha

Menteri : Datuk Ong Tee Keat
Timbalan : Datuk Anifah Aman

Menteri : Datuk Ir. Mohd Zin Mohamed
Timbalan : Datuk Yong Khoon Seng

Menteri : Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Timbalan : A Kohilan Pillay (senator)

Menteri : Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Timbalan : Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum

Menteri : Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Timbalan : Datuk Liew Vui Keong
Timbalan : Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan

Menteri : Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Timbalan : Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim

Menteri : Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad
Timbalan : Jelaing anak Mersat

Menteri : Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein
Timbalan : Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong
Timbalan : Datuk Razali Ismail

Menteri : Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Timbalan : Datuk Tan Lian Hoe

Menteri : Datuk Mohd Shafie Apdal
Timbalan : Teng Boon Soon

Menteri : Datuk Dr S Subramaniam
Timbalan : Datuk Noraini Ahmad

Menteri : Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
Timbalan : Fadillah Yusof

Menteri : Datuk Ong Ka Chuan
Timbalan : Datuk Robert Lau Hoi Chew
Timbalan : Datuk Hamzah Zainudin

Menteri : Datuk Seri Najib Razak
Timbalan : Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop

Menteri : Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib
Timbalan : Tan Sri Joseph Kurup
Timbalan : Joseph Entulu Belaun

Menteri : Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim
Timbalan : Datuk Seri Tengku Azlan Abu Bakar

Menteri : Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob
Timbalan : Wee Jeck Seng

Menteri : Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Timbalan : Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad

Menteri : Datuk Noh Omar
Timbalan : Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah

Menteri : Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen
Timbalan : Noriah Kasnon

Menteri : Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said
Timbalan Menteri : Datuk Seri Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abdul Taib

Menteri : Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique
Timbalan Menteri : Datuk M Saravanan

Menteri : Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin
Timbalan Menteri : Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung
Timbalan Menteri : Datuk Idris Haron

Menteri : Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas
Timbalan Menteri : Datuk Seri Abdul Ghapur Salleh

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RTM2 采访



















可是让回教党在霹雳担任州务大臣后,行动党一定会被华人痛骂;甚至被指责出卖华人的利益。因此,行动党强烈反对回教党担任州务大臣的动作就非做不可。毕竟霹雳还有许多老ah pek、auntie书念得不多;又容易被人洗脑,因此必须做些事情安抚安抚他们。



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PAS's Nizar is the new Perak's Menteri Besar

Latest: It has been announced that the new Perak's Menteri Besar will be PAS's Nizar.

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New Penang government announces economic reforms after election victory

PENANG, Malaysia -- The new leader of Malaysia's Penang state announced major reversals in policy Tuesday, including open bidding for government contracts, after his opposition party won elections for the first time in four decades.

Lim Guan Eng, sworn in for a five-year term as chief minister of the northern state Tuesday, also said his government will review a a 25 billion ringgit project to develop the city center of Penang island, which has raised concern among residents.

Lim's opposition Democratic Action Party won control of Penang in Saturday's election, unseating the National Front coalition that had been in power since 1969, in one of the biggest electoral upsets in Malaysia's history.

The reforms are part of the new government's "agenda for change to re-establish rule by the people," Lim said in a statement released soon after he took control of the state, the site of many multinational electronics companies such as Intel and Dell. Besides being the country's industrial heartland, the island of Penang is also known as its tourism jewel.

It is the first time the Chinese-based Democratic Action Party has come to power in any state in Malaysia, where 12 of its 13 states have always been under the National Front, a coalition dominated by the Malay-based party representing the country's majority ethnic Malay Muslims.

Besides Penang, the National Front also lost in four other states to a three-party opposition coalition of which the DAP is a member. At the federal level, the National Front's traditional two-thirds majority in Parliament was reduced to a simple majority as the opposition alliance boosted its strength from 19 seats to 82 in the 222-member house.

Lim said in a statement that his government will do away with the New Economic Policy, an affirmative action program for Malays, in awarding state contracts.

"We will run the government administration free from the New Economic Policy that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency," Lim said in the statement, which effectively pledges to turn upside down most of National Front policies.

"We will implement an open tender system for all government procurement and contracts," he said, referring to the practice of state contracts being awarded only to ethnic Malay-based companies in secret tenders.

"We will also practice transparency by uploading information of such tender bids in an Internet portal to be set up in future for public access," he said.

In other reforms, Lim said all state government members and civil servants will be required to publicly declare their assets.

"This is a government that is based on democracy. This is also a government that believes in equal opportunity and social economic justice. We are here to build a dynamic Penang for all," he said.

He said he will also seek to restore elections to appoint local government councils, which until now were appointed by the government.

Lim pledged to remain investor friendly and take steps to woo foreign investment that creates high paying jobs.

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The Malaysia's People Has Spoken!

Today, we are witnessing the history making of new page of Malaysia! We as the Malaysian have spoken loudly, viciously to BN that we are the REAL BOSS IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!

BN has never lost so much in the GE since the day it was formed in early '70. Many heavy weights from BN including UMNO,MCA,GERAKAN and MIC were suffering shock defeat in the election. The acting party president of Gerakan Koh Tsu Khoon was defeated(majority ~9485). The party president of MIC Sami Vellu was defeated(majority ~1821). Deputy president of UMNO WOMAN Shahrizat was defeated by ANWAR's daughter(majority ~2895). Vice president of MCA Lim Siang Chai was defeated(majority ~5706). And many many heave weights from UMNO and MCA were defeated.

Gerakan and MCA have 0 seats in Penang states.

MCA only won 15 parliamentary seats which is only half of those they won in previous term. Now MCA does not has enough of people to filling up the government posts. I expect they will lose some posts in the government.

Gerakan even worst. Yesterday they were still the government in Penang and today they don't even has a single seat in Penang. Gerakan only won 2 parliamentary seats. For sure they will not have enough of elected member filling the government post.

MIC is the worst. All top posts in the party were lost. They only won 3 parliamentary seats which is 6 lesser than previous term.

UMNO also suffers heavy defeat but not as worst as MCA,MIC and Gerakan. They have lost about 30 parliamentary seats. But they lose the power in Kedah, Perak and Selangor. For sure Pak Lah is now under tremendous pressure for being called to step down.

Oppositions have taken 5 states in Peninsula Malaysia. DAP and PKR will form government in Penang. LIM GUAN ENG from DAP is expected to become the new chief minister of Penang.

DAP,PKR and PAS will form government in Perak as well as Selangor. While PAS will form government in Kedah and Kelantan.

As in parliamentary seats, oppositions have denied BN 2/3 majority. So far oppositions have won 82 seats in parliament. Oppositions actually only need 75 seats to deny 2/3 majority.

Unexpected, neither by BN nor opposition as well as people have not expected the outcome of the 12th GE was so shock and unbelievable. Undoubtly, people of Malaysian regardless of either colour of skin or religious are united under a same reason - WE WANT TO CHANGE! We sent a very strong message to BN that we are no longer can be fool and we are no longer the people that you think we are. We do not scare anymore. People understand that only changes can push our country forward.

Malaysia is marching toward another 50 years with great hopes and great courages.

Syabas! I am like all of you once again proud to be a Malaysian!





以下这段是’某某者‘在我前一则张贴“SPR is a BIG LIAR!!!”的留言。我觉得很有意思,所以决定回应。

What i heard from the Chinese at my hometown :










以上这些话我肯定是出自于马华领袖的口中。为什么我会如此肯定?很简单,因为马华在这届大选最主要的策略就是要说服华人相信即使把票投给反对党也无法教训巫统,同时却削弱华人在朝的政治力量。今天,我在这里将会和大家一起“揭开谎言;扫除迷惑;寻找真理” 。有些谎言说了一百次可以变成真。所以我们要揭开马华的每一个谎言,以正视听。我会向以上的每一个论点进行反驳;让大家评评理。

“我們知道馬來人的政治態度,他們即使對政府不滿,也會確保集中力量於政治管道,讓他們代表族群在政府裡決定命運,不會自我削弱。因此,大部份馬來人都傾向支持巫統” 。

错!在1999年大选时,因为安华事件马来人有超过一半是投给反对党。导致巫统的议席减至七十多席。可是却因为华人大量投给国阵,因此国阵依然执政。我们失去了一个变天的契机!当马来人想变时,华人却“缩沙” !在华人大量支持国阵之后,巫统是否有知恩图报呢?事实是没有!还记得“华团大选诉求吗” ?99年大选前当时的首相敦马答应‘诉求” ,可是大选过后却反口;甚至说当时只是权宜之计罢了。巫青团过后还拉队到吉隆坡雪华堂门口,炯言要烧掉雪华堂把华人赶回中国!当时整个事件闹得热哄哄,如箭在弦上。马华在那里?当华社在大选大量的投给国阵才让国阵保着政权后,换来的就是这些吗?得益者马华有在维护我们吗?马华过后还和发展商狼狈为奸,看中白小原地为黄金地,硬硬的把白小关掉!马华可以为了真黄金卖了黄金屋啊!华人还可以对它有什么期许?


马来人支配政府这点是无可否认的。所以我们这次要用选票教训巫统!马来人支配政府是不可能通过壮大马华而改变的。因为马华和其他政党在执政集团里已经沦为次要支配;被边缘化了。记得在2006年发生的穆地争尸案吗?黄家定不是率领众内阁非回教徒部长向首相提呈备忘录吗?当时的我也被黄家定的行为感到意外,觉得马华这次真的做对了,马华还是有希望的。结果呢?当首相遣责相关行为时,隔天黄家定马上说他要收回备忘录;说什么程序不对但是会在内部争取。后来呢?马华在内部争取了些什么?无声无息了!大家都当作什么事情也没有发生过。由此可见,巫统的霸道,霸权是无法通过内部制衡的。既然内部机制失灵,那么人民就唯有通过外面的反对党了。反正继续支持马华也是死,不如在外壮大反对党实现两线制。我们华人有一句话,就是“跪著活不如站著死” 。继续支持马华只会壮大巫统,马华又无法制衡巫统;这和慢性自杀有什么分别?人民千万不要相信国阵的那一套,说什么把票投给反对党经济发展就会没有保障、国家就会乱。。。事实上全世界没有一个国家因为换政府而衰亡的;只有不把腐败的政府换掉才会衰亡。古罗马王朝就是一个经典例子!



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SPR is a BIG LIAR!!!

Just today, the election commission announces it's decision to cancel the use of indelible ink for this coming 12th GE due to public order and security issues. This is completely shock and unexpected as SPR has promised the use of indelible ink will be in place for this coming election just end of last year. Indelible ink is one of the agenda BERSIH fight for in order to avoid multiple voting from "phantom voters". Citing public order and security issues by the election commission is complete nonsensical. What kind of security issues it will impose to public by marking someone finger during collecting ballots? I have to say that this 12th GE will be as dirty as it was before. What credibility can a government has if it's elected by 'ghost' but not the people? The most fundamental human right of the people has been 'raped' by BN!


Letter: Penang 'bribed' Motorola to stay

This breaking news has proven my previous post on the reduced FDI to Malaysia in recent years.

Highly-confidential correspondence confirms that the Penang state government had asked the federal government to offer a RM1 billion project to Motorola in a desperate attempt to stop the American telecommunications giant from pulling out of the state.

If this wasn’t done, the Gerakan-led state government warned Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that its "catastrophic impact" would be "politically very detrimental" especially in the run-up to the general elections on March 8.

The three-page letter, signed by outgoing Penang chief minister Dr Koh Tsu Koon, was addressed to Abdullah and dated Dec 3 last year. Malaysiakini has seen a copy of the letter.

According to the letter, the government would offer a RM1 billion project to Motorola involving the upgrading of the police force’s radio network in exchange for the multinational staying put in Penang and pump in an additional investment of RM350 million over the next five years.

Motorola, which has a manufacturing facility at Penang’s Bayan Lepas Industrial Zone, announced its RM350 million investment in the state on Tuesday. The stunning revelation comes as the opposition intensifies its attacks on the Gerakan state government over its poor performance in reviving the island’s economy.

Koh, who appeared to be on the defensive, has repeatedly denied such claims. The state’s sluggish economy has topped voters’ concern and is likely to be an influential factor when votes are cast on Saturday.

In the letter to Abdullah, Koh - who is also Gerakan acting president - began by stating that he was "very concerned" over disclosures that Motorola was on the verge of announcing that they would be "pulling out their entire operations in Malaysia".

Koh however stressed that Motorola’s pending decision "was not a threat for a bigger and new contract" but a "necessary business strategic response" to the perceived lack of support from the Malaysian government.

The government had earlier decided not to extend Motorola’s contract to supply and expand the existing radio network of the police force and the project - dubbed the Government Integrated Radio Network - had been given to another consortium.

Three ‘dire consequences’

The letter further stated that Abdullah had earlier promised Motorola executives during a meeting in February last year that the company would continue its work on expanding and upgrading the police’s radio network, which has been put in place by the American giant in 1992.
Koh, in the letter, went on at length to impress on Abdullah the importance of Motorola continuing to invest in the state. This included the company setting up its worldwide headquarters in Penang for certain products.

The outgoing chief minister told Abdullah that Motorola "will have no choice" but to move their product headquarters and related operations to another country, most probably China which Koh said had been "wooing Motorola very aggressively".

Motorola needed to make a decision whether to accept the offer to relocate to China by early this year, he added.

Koh also listed out "three dire consequences" should Motorola decide to pull out:

  • It would cause a total of 10,000 jobs to be lost of which 4,000 are direct jobs in the Motorola facility in Penang and the remaining 6,000 jobs among Motorola suppliers and vendors in the country.

  • It would be a "bombshell" on the electrical and electronics industry in the country and the decision will trigger a highly probable domino effect with other multinational companies pulling out.

  • It will be "politically very detrimental" especially in the run-up to the general elections.

Koh, who has been Penang chief minister for 18 years, appealed to Abdullah and the federal government to reconsider its decision not to award Motorola a new project "in this special case".However, he pressed the case for Motorola's existing contract to be extended.

"From what I gather, the retention and expansion of the existing communication system for the Royal Malaysian Police radio network will cost less than RM1 billion for 10 years, and not more than RM4 billion as was erroneously conveyed," Koh stated.

He added that the cost will cover an upgrading of "an existing communication system already in full operation" over a 10-year period and he will try his best to convince Motorola to further reduce the offer price.

Koh ‘arm-twisting’

Koh also stressed that Motorola has invested an accumulated amount of RM5 billion in Malaysia over the past 35 years and that it has "contributed significantly" to the nation’s economic development.

He cited Motorola’s move to make an additional investment of RM350 million in research and development and manufacturing over the next five years to back his argument.

"I sincerely trust YAB Dato Seri (Abdullah) will assist Penang, and Malaysia, to retain a major investor, avoiding the catastrophic impact of a pull-out and also to allow the police to continue with expanding a tested and trusted radio network," pleaded Koh.

The controversial deal was first hinted at by opposition PKR leaders in Penang on Thursday, but without providing any documentary proof to substantiate their claim.

PKR Penang chief Zahrain Mohamed Hashim - who is contesting the Bayan Baru parliamentary seat and who said he had read the letter - described it as Koh ‘arm-twisting’ Abdullah.

Koh, when quizzed on the matter by reporters on Friday refused to respond apart from saying the question was ‘vague’.

Five days earlier, Motorola had announced its latest deal to invest RM350 million in Penang over the next five years. It is no clear whether the multinational had been awarded a government contract in return for its decision.

Coincidently, the announcement served as a lifeline to Koh who was caught in a whirlpool of opposition claims that Penang had lost its shine due the relocation of many multinational companies to other countries.

Launching the Penang Progress Report 2008 on Wednesday, a visibly relieved Koh had said: "The announcement by Motorola that it would be investing RM350 million more for its operations in Penang yesterday proves that the state is still competitive."

"The DAP is trying to run down everything but refuses to see the progress," Koh was reported to have said.

reported from Malaysiakini

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<<转载与“当今大马”新闻网站>> 这则新闻正好证实我之前所张贴的文章所言,我国的外资










许子根的机密公函主要目的是通知首相,摩多罗拉因为无法获得延长警察部队无线电网络的供应和提升合约,而“濒临”(on the verge of)决定和宣布撤走他们在马来西亚所有的操作。许子根在信中进一步向阿都拉分析,若摩多罗拉一旦决定撤走,这项举动将造成下列的影响:






He must be sent into Parliament of Malaysia!

PJU-Petaling Jaya Utara DAP Parliamentary Candidate TONY PUA

TONY PUA's profile:

I'm a Malaysian former CEO and founder of a public listed IT company. I've graduated from Keble College, Oxford University with a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) with a scholarship from MTC Foundation in 1994. Prior to that, I was fortunate enough to receive Asean and Shaw Foundation scholarships to pursue my 'O' and 'A'-Levels in Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College.

It was my wish to be able to retire early quite comfortably so that I will be able to devote most, if not all of my expendable time on socio-economic and political affairs. Well, I'm right in the thick of it as I've sold my company and joined the Democratic Action Party (DAP) as the Economic Advisor to the DAP Secretary-General.

I've always had faith that there has been a guardian angel looking after me all these while - my personal well-being, my education, my career. Some will call it "God's will", some "fate" while some others, "destiny". I strongly believe that it is time for me to repay the kindness and fortune showered on me by my family, the society and of course, not forgetting, my guardian angel. :-)

I look forward to the day when I can truly help make our country a better place for all communities, and a country we can all be proud of.

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Heave and Hell election

Joke of the day

While walking down the street one day a Malaysian Boleh Minister is
tragically hit by a truck and dies.
His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.
"Welcome to heaven," says St. Peter. "Before you settle in, it seems
there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts,
you see, so we're not sure what to do with you."
"No problem, just let me in," says the man.
"Well, I'd like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we'll do is have
you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose
where to spend eternity."
"Really, I have made up my mind. I want to be in heaven," says the Yang
"I'm sorry, but we have our rules," says St. Peter.
And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down,
down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of
a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front
of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him.
Everyone is very happy and dressed in the finest batik there is. They run
to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they
had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly
game of golf and then indulge themselves on lobsters, caviar and the most
expensive food there is.
Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good
time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that
before he realizes it, it is time to go.
Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises.
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St.
Peter is waiting for him.
"Now it' s time to visit heaven."
So, 24 hours pass with the Yang Berhormat joining a group of contented
souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have
a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St.
Peter returns.
"Well, then, you've spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose
your eternity."
The Yang Berhormat reflects for a minute, then he answers: "Well, I would
never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think Ai
yam better off in hell."
So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to
hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he's in the middle of a barren
land covered with waste and garbage.
He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting
it in black bags as more trash falls from above.
The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder.
"I don't understand," stammers the Yang Berhormat. "Yesterday I was here
and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar,
drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there's just a
wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened?"
The devil looks at him, smiles and says, "Yesterday we were campaigning
just like you during an election...... Today you voted."


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What lies beneath?

"Foreign investors will not have confidence in a Malaysia that is ruled by a government that is “terumbang-ambing” (unstable) and weak because it does not have more than two-thirds majority." This is what DPM Najib said to media yesterday. The news was published in the front page of SINCHEW paper. He also said investors would instead take their investment to more stable economies.

Is he correct? Or is he deceiving the people? Look at my yesterday post "2007 Investment Climate Statement-Malaysia", FDI to malaysia decreased by 14% in 2005 while FDI to South East Asia increased by 45% in the same year. Wasn't BN strong enough in the past few years? Wasn't BN received the strongest mandate from the people in 2004 election when BN won 91% of parliamentary seat? Our competativeness has been declining in recent years. Not because of our ruling coalition not strong enough, not because of our country economy not stable, but because of we are not ready to compete with the others in the era of globalisation. Look at Thailand, look at Vietnam, look at Cambodia, they are opening up their economies and moving up with very quick pace. Are they going to be like another South Korea? (The following fact is provided by PJ UTARA's DAP candidate TONY PUA during his speech on Monday night in his election campaign in SS2)In 1966, every Malaysian's average income during those days was 3 times more than the South Korean. After 24 years in 1990, we archieved parity. But in 2004, every South Korean earns 3 times more than us. What's wrong with Malaysia? Are our ministers-ministers telling the truth? What can Malaysia people do to change all this crap? We all shall think about it before 8th of March.


2007 Investment Climate Statement - Malaysia

U.S DEPARTMENT of STATE study group used to produce annual investment climate report of all countries around the world to provide their investors with indept information of business environment of respective countries. The following is the summary of the report "2007 Investment Climate Statement - Malaysia". You can view the full report here.

1) The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported that in 2005 global FDI increased by 29% and FDI to Southeast Asia increased by 45%. However, FDI to Malaysia decreased by 14% during the same period. A longer term outlook shows a similar trend. Total FDI inward stock for Southeast Asia increased by 42.4% from 2000 to 2005, while total FDI inward stock for Malaysia decreased by 9% over the same time period. UNCTAD ranked Malaysia as the sixth largest destination for FDI in 1995; based on final 2005 figures, Malaysia now ranks 62nd.

2) An in-depth study of the investment climate, conducted by the GOM in collaboration with the World Bank and published in 2005,[3] identified Malaysia’s top two economic constraints as 1) its regulatory burden, especially for services, and 2) its shortage of skilled labor. Two similar studies, one conducted by UBS and the other by the Institute of International Finance, reached similar conclusions.

3) One of the government’s racial preference policies is a requirement that foreign and domestic non-manufacturing firms take on bumiputera partners (with a minimum of 30% of share capital). If a company seeks public listing on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange), it is required to reserve at least 30% of its initial public offering (IPO) for purchase by bumiputera. In 2003 the GOM ended a formal requirement that corporations issue additional stock to bring bumiputera equity back up to 30% if those shareholders had sold their stock. However, bumiputera equity remains a consideration when companies apply for an array of required permits and licenses -- many of which must be renewed either annually or biennially.

4) Malaysia’s requirements for the licensing and operation of direct selling companies include a provision that a locally incorporated direct selling company must allow for 30 percent bumiputera equity. The Ministry also “recommends” local content targets. Local companies that seek multi-level direct selling licenses require paid-in capital of RM 1.5 million ($423,700), while companies with foreign shareholders must have paid-in capital of RM 5 million ($1.4 million).

5) The Malaysian government also included local content requirements in "Guidelines on Foreign Participation in the Distributive Trade Services" that came into effect in December 2004. Among other provisions, department stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets are required to reserve at least 30 percent of shelf space in their premises for goods and products manufactured by bumiputera-owned small and medium sized industries. The guidelines also require that at least 30 percent of a store’s sales consist of bumiputera products, a rule that does not take into account discretionary behavior on the part of consumers.

6) The Ministry of Energy, Water, and Communications enforces broadcast content quotas on both radio and television programming. 80% of television programming must originate from local companies owned by bumiputera. However, in practice, local stations have been granted substantial latitude in programming because of a lack of suitable local programming. Radio programming also must consist of 60% locally originated content. Foreign ownership of radio and television stations is not permitted. Foreign investment in terrestrial broadcast networks is prohibited. As a condition for obtaining a license to operate, video rental establishments are required to have 30 percent local content in their inventories. Malaysia regularly censors movies and television shows deemed offensive on religious or sexual grounds.

7) The government owns approximately 36% of the value of firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia through its seven Government-Linked Investment Corporations (GLICs), including a majority stake in a number of companies. Only a minority portion of stock is available for trading for some of the largest publicly listed local companies. After the economic crisis of the late 1990s, the government began to re-acquire a number of entities it had privatized earlier, including the national air carrier, MAS, and Kuala Lumpur's light rail transit system. The government has given no indication of interest in restarting its privatization efforts. Khazanah, the government’s largest GLIC, handles many of the country’s major infrastructure projects, typically through companies in which it owns a majority stake. The Prime Minister and the Central Bank Governor sit on Khazanah’s Board of Directors.

And many many more...full report.I tried to search for the 2008 report but it's seems that Malaysia is missing out from the 2008 list. You can find the 2007 list here. Can you find Malaysia in 2008 list? I think they are giving up on Malaysia!

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